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Dr. Sterling understands the physiological and psychosocial complexities involved in treating neck and back disorders, as well as musculoskeletal injuries.  He strives to find the cause of the pain in order to formulate a comprehensive treatment plan.  Dr. Sterling believes that the majority of these disorders can be successfully treated in a non-operative manner.

A treatment plan is developed after a detailed history and physical examination, as well as any necessary additional testing, has been performed. The plan may include any combination of medication, physical therapy, local therapeutic injections, as well as advanced fluoroscopically guided spinal injections. The treatment goal is to not only reduce pain, but also to help restore function and activity level.


​You can be assured – we have a commitment to excellence when it comes to the level of care we provide.


Dr. Sterling is expertly trained in :

Lumbar Epidural Steroid injections

Lumbar Facet blocks/injections

Sacroiliac injections

Trigger Point injections

Piriformis injections

Peripheral nerve blocks for chronic pain

Cortisone injections of the shoulders, elbows, wrists, knees, ankle and feet

Botox injection for spasticity and pain


Scoliosis is an abnormal sideways curvature of the spine and is one of the most common spinal conditions.  Usually detected around adolescence, most cases are idiopathic, meaning that the cause is not known.   Scoliosis does not usually cause any pain or limitations. Often, the concern over the appearance of the back is the biggest issue for patient and parents.  Dr. Sterling  performs routine followup on Scoliosis patients ordering appropriate x-rays and treatment when indicated.


An electromyogram with nerve conduction studies, or EMG for short, is a test that measures the electrical activity of sensory nerves or muscles in response to stimulation.  EMGs can help diagnose problems such as Sciatica, Carpal Tunnel syndrome and nerve problems caused by conditions such as diabetes i.e. Peripheral Neuropathy.  No special preparation is required but wear loose fitting clothes for comfort.  Results are provided immediately. 


Osteoporosis is a disorder in which bones become less dense and more fragile, increasing the risk of fracture.  In the US alone, an estimated 1.5 million fractures each year are attributed to Osteoporosis, with women accounting for 80% of all cases.  Dr. Sterling is thoroughly trained in diagnosing and treating this "silent disease"before fractures develop, and if necessary, manage the treatment plan if compression fractures should occur.


Focusing on Non-operative treatment of :

Neck and Back pain


Cervical Radiculopathy

Tendonitis / Bursitis of the shoulder, elbow, hip, knee and ankle

Carpal Tunnel syndrome

Rotator Cuff injuries

Piriformis syndrome

Post surgical Spine care



While we don't yet have x-ray services on site, we are situated only minutes from two of the largest radiology centers on the island, so many times we can send patients out for STAT xrays and evaluate them in minutes.  We have direct access to all your MRI, CT and xray films from all the local MRI and radiology centers.  This saves us from worrying about lost films or the rare occasion when a patient will forget their studies at home. 

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